Sunday, July 29, 2007

Are you an 'A' and other stuff....

That's right. Are you an 'A' ? Does your name starts with the letter A? I'm painstakingly transfering all my contact numbers on my old mobile phone to a new one. And the names of people starting with 'A' are more than the names of people starting with the other letters of the aphabetical order. For the record, I've 23 'A' people on my mobile phone. Thats 10 more than the next nearest letter, J. The name that is repeated the most on my phone is Ben. I have 5 Bens, followed by 4 Dans, and 3 Daves. So 'A' people, congratulations! You've beaten the record :-)

Workwise, it has started to become a bit monotonous. I work, eat, sleep, day in day out. Hopefully I shall be able to break this habbit soon. On another matter, the weather has started to lighten up slightly. It has been pouring with rain for the past few weeks, with various parts of England suffering from floods and its after effects. However, today was sunny and the forecast for next week seem to be pretty sunny too. Let's hope it lasts much longer this time round.

A pot of gold just over the next house?


Blogger Buddhist_philosopher said...

Great photo SJ! It makes me miss Bristol all that much more. Though I'm at peace knowing that I'll be in London in two months and able to visit you quite soon. Time again to ponder/plan a Germany trip with that crazy Indian guy, Soorjya :) ! I hope all is well - see you soon.

2:53 AM  

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