Sunday, September 14, 2008


Here's another post where I again lament the lack of time and motivation to blog. Things at work have been moving so rapid and fast that sometimes my mind is so exhausted that I don't want to think of anything else except base needs like food, sleep and

So it is with great delight that I look forward to the week after next. My mom is coming to visit me at the end of September for two weeks and I have taken a week off work just to be with her. It'll be really great to see her again. After all these years, no matter how old I am, I'm still a little boy in the eyes of my mom! Plus she'll be bringing lots of goodies from home which you simply can't find in Bristol.

On another note, after being made single again sometime in July, I thought I would try my hand at a little online dating. Well...that led to a date yesterday with a really nice girl. It was really strange as we had only exchanged a couple of emails and photos before meeting up. We didn't have any telephone conversations at all and I was really nervous. It felt like I was going out for my first date in my life. Hayley was really nice and I couldn't ask for more in a girl, however, I just hope that I've met her expectations. Maybe it's the pessimist in me but I feel that you can't really tell much from a person from the first date/meeting. Let's hope she emails me again.

So that's it. In summary, I shall be going on a break in a week's time, my mom is coming, and I've just had a date that I'm feeling abit pessimistic about....what else could go wrong?


Blogger Buddhist_philosopher said...

You rock, buddy. Of course she'll email you again! I've recently gotten out there again too and I'm lovin' it :)

11:46 PM  
Blogger Buddhist_philosopher said...

oh - and get in touch with Soorjya - Germany might be in the cards for January... :))))

11:47 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Hey Justin! Great to hear from you! She did email back but unfortunately she feels I'm not the one...just after one meeting. So there you go. I'll get in touch with Soorjya to see what his plans are. When are you coming this way again? I hope pretty soon!

12:57 PM  
Blogger Buddhist_philosopher said...

Sorry to hear about the lady-friend. You know what they say, "lots of fishes" right? I'll be there in January (still not set in stone, but looking at the 5th-23rd or thereabouts. Will let ya know when I know more.

4:24 AM  

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