Saturday, November 18, 2006

Biker Blues

It only been one month and I've had to bring my bike to the mechanics three times! The first time was for general servicing. The second time was to fix the clutch, which was coming loose, and the third time was to replace the bulb of the headlight and fix some bits and boobs. The bulb blew while I was on the motorway at night, and it was a really scary experience. Its really fustrating for someone who just wants to ride the bike to work and back.

While I was riding on the motorway, I was hit by a sudden gust of wind. It blew me towards the centre of the road, with the oncoming traffic coming dangerously close. Again, another scary experience. I think my bike is too light, hence it's being tossed around like a leaf in a wind. I will be upgrading to a bigger and heavier bike soon, hopefully a harley or a triumph, or even a BMW!

I've seen bikes of the same make and model ride past me before, and they sound a lot more quieter than mine. After some careful observation, I've noticed that my exhaust pipe is bigger than theirs. I think the previous owner did some modifications to it. Which isn't a bad thing. It is just that I live in a quiet and nice neighbourhood, and I feel embarassed every morning as I start my bike to go to work, shattering the peace and tranquility. I've noticed the granny living down the road has been giving me annoying looks every morning out from her window. But screw them! Although it sounds like I ride a mean bike, there isn't much power to bring it up to the "whee!" speed. I've got to throttle it all the way to the end to get some decent power. And it makes alot of noise while I do this. Which, again, isn't a bad thing. It really sounds like I'm riding a mean powerful bike. But the opposite is true in this case. Looks like its bark is worse than its bite!


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